Wednesday, October 6, 2010

NOG 26: minecraft minecraft minecraft

Look, I don't have time for this. I've got eight stacks of glass that need to be delivered to base camp 3 pronto. They've already been delayed, and the customer is gonna be ticked off as is.

I know we're supposed to be recording a podcast, but I've got more important things to do. You see that glass tower in the distance? You think that thing is going to build itself? I'm burning daylight here; torches won't attach to glass.

Okay fine, we'll record, but I'm not talking about anything other than Minecraft. And we have to make it quick; there's building to be done.

This week we talk about Minecraft. Sure, there are a few other games mentioned, but really this is another Minecraft episode. If you don't play Minecraft, you may want to skip this episode and START PLAYING MINECRAFT instead. Seriously, I think this obsession is going to last a while.



  1. Dam that's a sick cave!

  2. Hilarious and informative podcast. You definitely have support from our site. I almost cried during the "Cockle" talk. If that's the spelling then it's a small, edible, saltwater clam, marine bivalve mollusc in the family Cardiidae.

  3. I see you had a little fun with TNT there now did you?
