Sponsor an Episode

For just $10.00 USD, you can become a sponsor of one episode of Nation of Gamers.

This is a fun way to donate to the show, because it gives you a chance to have your name read at the very beginning of a show. Additionally, we can read a short message, whether it be a shout-out, happy birthday, or whatever. Think 10 words or less. If you have any questions about this, feel free to email us at info@deadworkers.com. This is just for individuals and not businesses. If you are a business that would like to sponsor the show or an episode, you can do so for $250 for single episode or please check the advertising page for more information.  For advertising multiple episodes, we can produce a rate card for you.

If you're ready to sponsor, select a show and click "Buy Now". You will be able to pay via PayPal or by Credit Card.

Sponsorship Type
Name of Sponsor
Message to be read (If Any)