Thursday, August 26, 2010

NOG 21: Monday Night Combat is Awesome

Man, I am so hung over. I have no idea what day it is. What is this, Tuesday? I guess I should write the post for this week's NoG... Wait, it's Thursday? Well, suck. I guess I shouldn't have crawled into that bottle of Maker's Mark on Sunday after we recorded.

Anyway, what did we talk about this week? Oh right, Monday Night Combat! That game is pretty sweet. If only it would come out on the PC, it would be even sweeter. Let's see, what else... Should games be more like movies? Or less like movies? Something like that. Man, my head is killing me. Maybe I should have another drink... OH CRAP I'm out of booze. I guess now I have no choice but to contemplate the terrible choices I've made during my life.

Oh yeah, we had a pretty good email that got us talking this week. That was pretty cool. YAY! I just found a bottle of 151 secreted away in an old boot! Where did that boot come from, anyway? Hmm... I have some vague recollection of mugging a hobo. Probably best that I don't remember it.

For the next couple of weeks we'll be playing the new free Everquest II Extended thingie, so feel free to join us and let us know what you think. I gotta wrap this up, because this 151 needs a new home... IN MY BELLY. Do I have any mixers? Hmm, out of soda. I wonder if 151 and chicken stock is any good... Only one way to find out!



  1. Not another facebook game... lol I played Kingdom of Camelot for 30sec and close it

  2. I absolutley love Monday Night Combat! Me and three of my friends did the sudden death blitz and got to wave 144 or so, it's a great game.

  3. A buddy and I just got to wave 207 on sudden death blitz XD

  4. i were wondering if nexts week game could be minecraft (pc only) (

    game info: the game is about surviving the zombies, spider, skeletons and creepers at night and at day collecting wood making a house digging caves finding steel coal iron and diamond. the game is very complicated but if you want to know more about it just go to davidr65yt on youtube he got about 30 episodes of lets plays on it and its very explaining of how the game works

  5. sry spelled wrong its davidr64yt not davidr65yt

  6. Monday Night Combat would make me buy a Xbox

  7. As always enjoyed the podcast and wanted to say I appreciate the work it takes. I'm glad you're back to a regular schedule, listening to NOG at work gives me at least a brief diversion to the depressing crap going on around me.

    Cheers, Ren

  8. Wow I got shouted out...

  9. Next week's game should be Minecraft Classic. Only because you have to pay for Alpha. And because Alpha's multiplayer is pretty much unfinished.

    Unless you do want a "pay 2 play" game, in which case we should do Blacklight: Tango down on either Xbox or PC.

  10. Sorry to sound stupid but what's the name of the music in the credits?

  11. The song is called "Dragon's Breath" from the Liftmusic library.

  12. Thanks, you guys do great podacsts
