Wednesday, August 18, 2010

NOG 20: In Which Spencer is Not the Bad Guy

So after the last show, I was totally expecting to be the one saying bad things about Starcraft II. I was positive everyone was going to be like, “Oh, there goes Spencer again, talking bad about great games. Get a new shtick, pal!” Imagine my surprise when it wasn’t me, but another host who had the most bad things to say about Starcraft II! I’m not going to tell you who, you’ll have to listen to find out. But I’ll give you a clue: It may or may not be the person pictured above.

Oh wait, I’m supposed to type a bunch of random crap here that makes no sense and is only vaguely connected to the subject matter of the show in any rational way. Okay, here goes: Badminton cat escapes from zoo while being ridden by a banjo playing ex-prime minister of Mars!

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