Tuesday, August 3, 2010

NOG 19: Who Reviews the Reviewers?

Frank: Did you notice that the Dead Workers Party has been putting Nation of Gamers out regularly again?

Fran: Yeah, that's great. I guess they finally solved the existential crises that plagued their production schedule.

Frank: And how! The newest episode is sort of about Transformers: War for Cybertron, but it's really about review scores.

Fran: I dunno, that doesn't sound very interesting...

Frank: Oh, and they also try to not talk about Starcraft II, and they mostly fail.

Fran: Starcraft II? Lame.

Frank: What? Are you not into Starcraft?

Fran: I don't really like video games.

Frank: Then why are we having this conversation on a video game themed podcast's show notes?

Fran: They promised me punch and pie.

Frank: They lied.

Fran: Those bastards! I will not rest until they have given me punch and pie, or perished!

Frank: Woah. You're intense.



  1. Amazing songwork, as always

  2. great show, nice to hear you guys are back on the regular schedule!
    and ya, make a podcast about Brent's various nipple characteristics in different atmospheric and environmental conditions!

  3. Why didnt you guys mention portal during the violence segment

  4. Hey deadworkers to fix red rings put a fan on it!! it worked for me!

  5. Nice to have brents nipples back.
