Tuesday, May 4, 2010

NOG 14: Topic Roulette

There I was, cornered in a Bulgarian hostel by a fish with one eye. I had a pen in one hand and the state of Kansas in the other. Now I know what you're thinking; it's not even close to tomato season. I didn't let that stop me! I gunned the engine in my rowboat and flew to Sheeptown, dodging wild UN weapons inspectors as I went.

It wasn't until my eyeballs exploded that I realized I was out of hair gel. Frothing with impotent rage, I turned my frustrations into the drive to finally win at Wimbledon. Lacking in celebratory crystal meth, I was forced to watch Season 4, Episode 7 of The Wire instead. Proposition Joe is awesome.

Finally I collapsed, blood leaking from my punctured kitten. "Well," I shouted into the unfathomable void, "at least now I can finally paint  over that dreadful mural." I woke with a start, realizing it had all been a horrifying coutroom drama starring the University of Notre Dame men's basketball team.

I think I may have gotten a little off track here. Just like this week's show! What exactly happened, anyhow? At any rate, join Wes, Spencer, Brent, and Eric as they explore... something. I'm not really sure what's going on.



  1. Looks like it's a Golden episode. Because it mainly centres around me. Which is awesome.

  2. Also, the sped-up voice in my advert is my brother so shawty to him.

  3. Usually I don't listen to the actual podcast if I make the stream, but I had so much fun on Sunday that I think I'll download this one anyway.

    Also I've been wanting to say that I love these episode descriptions. They're fantastic in a You Look Nice Today way, which is saying a lot. So whoever writes them, nice jorb.

  4. NOG jumped the shark.......... nog jumped the shark.....

  5. After you've watched glee I don't think I'm going to listen to you anymore.

    I mean, Its just crap.
