Tuesday, April 20, 2010

NOG 13: Stanky Games

Little Karen leaped at the sound of the old, rattling 1977 Cadillac Catera pulling into the driveway. Only one car sounded like that; it had to be Grandpa! Nearly squealing with excitement, she rushed to the front door and threw it open.

"Grandpa!" she shouted.

"Well, hello, little Karen," Grandpa said as he hobbled away from the car. "How is my favorite granddaughter on her sixth birthday?" In his wizened claws he clutched an inexpertly wrapped present, roughly the size and shape of a video game. Karen's eyes nearly fell out of her head. She loved video games! Unable to contain her excitement, she darted forward and snatched the package from Grandpa's grasp and ran at full speed back into the house.

By the time Grandpa stumbled wheezing into the house, Karen had torn the wrapping off of her gift. Her earlier excitement was strangely absent as she stared at the game in her hands. The color drained from her face, a look of dawning horror overtaking her. "Well," grandpa asked after an uncomfortable moment of silence, "do you like it?"

Karen stood stock still, unable to tear her eyes from the wretched thing in her hands. Suddenly she jerked as if stung and tossed the thing on floor. She wiped her hands on her blouse, desperately trying to clean away some unseen filth. Without a word, she ran to the kitchen. Grandpa was appalled into silence, unable to comprehend the depths to which he'd offended his precious granddaughter.

She returned with a can of lighter fluid and sprayed the game down liberally. Grandpa moved to stop her, but something in her eyes held him at bay. Her eyes spoke of great betrayal, of great pain, of the end of her short childhood. Tossing the now empty container to the side, Karen stared at her Grandfather with contempt as she lit a match. "This is the only way the house will ever be clean again, Grandpa," she said as it dropped to the floor, touching off a horrific conflagration.

The firemen managed to get everyone out of the house, but Grandpa felt little relief. He sat on a gurney, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, staring at the house going down in flames, a great sense of guilt and despair settling upon him. A fireman walked up and without delay asked, "What happened here?"

The fire reflected in Grandpa's sad eyes. "I gave her Pokeman: Heart Gold." He shook his head. "That girl hates Pokeman."

Wow, I went a really long way for that joke, didn't I? Anyway, join Eric, Spencer, and Brent as they explore their bottom five games, pulling in plenty of the Nation's least favorite games to discuss as well! By the way, wasn't there another guy on this show? What happened to him, anyway?



  1. Wow, of all the games that could have been chosen, you went with the religious scapegoat? For shame.

  2. Religious scapegoat? What are you talking about?

  3. Haha really, you pick on pokemon as one of the worst games when you play farmville and we rule?

  4. I've been giving NoG a chance for several weeks. I was a big fan of Control Point when these guys discussed TF2 stuff, but with each passing week of NoG, it becomes apparent how little they keep up with gaming news. How can you claim to be the voice of gamers when two of the three hosts have no clue what is going on with Infinity Ward, let alone have even heard of the studio? The studio that made the biggest selling game of all time falls apart and you're lost. Then you try to rip apart Spore's creator (Will Wright) when you are actually talking about Fable's creator (Peter Molyneaux) and can't even pronounce his name. It's not like these guys are small names in the gaming industry. I just think you should do a little research or at least read a news blog once a month.

  5. It's nothing, just that the game got a lot of flak from Parents because they were saying things like how the pokemon resembled 'demons' and that it was another reason why young kids shouldn't play games.

  6. Oh. I just thought it would be funny to have a kid that hated Pokeman.

  7. WELL IT WASN'T SPENCER..... it wasn't..... sniff...

  8. I love how people merge us all into one person... as in... You make fun of pokemon (really only spencer) did... but you play we rule and farmville (which is brent / eric for we rule, and wes for farmville).

    We can have different opinions :) Odd I know!

  9. Hey, it was cool, I liked it. Just caught me off guard. Though I'm sure there's a lot of kids who don't like it. Some maybe just because they wanna be 'cool' or something.


  10. I for one like the discussion based ramblings of NoG. If i want news I'll read some articles, not turn to the people who rambled on about TF2 for 100 eps. Give them some credit =| they made 2 radio dramas....2!~

  11. I thought it was three, albeit one of those was rather short. I just listen to these to hear their conversations and opinions. They're smarter than your average bea- uh, I mean gamer. Yeah, gamer.

  12. Spencer has a nasal whistle

  13. This episode was just as great as all the others made by u guys keep making these podcasts guys u are ausome

  14. Whenever I hear Spencer talk i think of Michael Kors from project runway.
    Not knockin him, just an observation.

  15. Super Paper Mario could easily be considered bad for not being like the other Paper Mario games, being way too easy, and the platforming being dull for a Mario game.
