Tuesday, February 2, 2010

NOG 03: iPad or iFad?

Jim: So, there's this new thing out there called the iPad.

Jen: i-what?

Jim: I know, right? This is the first I'm hearing about it, too! I hear it plays games.

Jen: Really? I like games. After hearing last week's discussion on NoG, I've decided I'm a gamer. Are those games any good?

Jim: I don't know! Let's listen to the new NoG and find out!

Jen: Boy howdy!

This week, we tackle the newly announced iPad. Will it usher in a new era of peace and prosperity by forever putting an end to the console wars?

Wes is missing this week, but  Brent, Eric and Spencer are joined in the studio by Hemanena, Timesquared and Waf!



  1. Fix episode link to go to ep3 pleez :3

    I am dying to hear you guys talk about the iFad

  2. great episode

    I'm going to get an i-pad!

  3. well its either my computer messed up or itunes messed up because on itunes when I played this one the audio came out as NoG2

  4. Same issue as Combiner. The built in podcast player above is playing episode 2 as well.

  5. The iPad has to be one of the stupidest looking products to come out of apple. I mean, playing games is a positive that you normally wouldn't expect from apple, but it doesn't have a physical keyboard, a webcam, a card reader, flash support, or multi-tasking.

  6. That was me who was talking to you about the game list spencer!
    One day I will have more then you!!!!

  7. Yeah you guys rock!

    Best NoG yet - you guys really hit the point of the show when discussing the iPad :D - basically if it features hotseat it will rock. If it doesnt, it will imho be a netbook without a keyboard.

  8. You uploaded episode 2, Eric... >:(

  9. no, try it, you get 2 even though it says it's playing 3.

  10. Same problem here, i get episode 2 instead of episode 3!

  11. another Ipod MMO that is in beta right now, is www.Dangerlands.com, you can check out a podcast episode all about it over at multiplaying.com >.> its even linked at that the top under the videogames tab!

  12. Hey -- glad I wasn't the only one -- ITunes labled and downloaded episoide 2 as episode 3.

    Interesting some folks appear to be working though -- I'll try updating my feed tonight.

  13. "Anrufen"? Seriosly? Isn't that German for "to call somebody on the phone"?

  14. The way my dad put it was "It's an iPod for [his] generation. To counteract the failing vision!"
