Sunday, February 7, 2010

NOG 03: iPad or iFad?

Jim: So, there’s this new thing out there called the iPad.

Jen: i-what?

Jim: I know, right? This is the first I’m hearing about it, too! I hear it plays games.

Jen: Really? I like games. After hearing last week’s discussion on NoG, I’ve decided I’m a gamer. Are those games any good?

Jim: I don’t know! Let’s listen to the new NoG and find out!

Jen: Boy howdy!

This week, we tackle the newly announced iPad. Will it usher in a new era of peace and prosperity by forever putting an end to the console wars?

Wes is missing this week, but Brent, Eric and Spencer are joined in the studio by Hemanena, Timesquared and Waf!

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