Friday, May 28, 2010

NOG 16: Eric Sings a Song

He was the first podcaster to write a song about Heavy Rain. And what a song it was! But for Eric Fullerton, writing and singing songs about video games was never the problem. It was the media attention that took it's toll. Some of the greatest dangers came from within, such as the devastating love triangle that nearly tore the Dead Workers apart. But the weird times were just beginning. Eric Fullerton had to survive both podcasting breakups and equipment failures, but he somehow came out of the hard times bigger than ever. But then Eric found out that bigger isn't always better. Now the legendary video game parody song singer/songwriter Eric Fullerton: Behind the Music.

Okay, that might be false advertising. It's just a show. We were all kinds of pressed for time because it was the night of the Lost finale, and also Spencer had some sort of weird cult thing he had to get to. Fortunately Eric saved the day with a heartwarming song!



  1. Press X to Jason is the greatest thing I've heard in a long time.

    In all honesty I only heard it because it was featured at, but they pointed me over here, and I like what I see. Im definately going to be spending quite a bit of time here in the future assuming you dont sell out like those assholes at destructoid.

    all of the unanswered questions about lost. basically everything i want to know :P

  3. Awesome song Eric.

  4. Here's my list of open LOST questions:

    And here's my responses to the collegehumor list as well as a different list from io9:

  5. my steam account got disabled...
    I used a prepaid MasterCard gift card that someone gave me as a (very)late Christmas gift... and i bought elder scrolls: oblivion, and Rainbow 6 Vegas 2... and they disabled my account because they think my card is fraudulent.

    hopefully i get this sorted out soon. I want to play my games....

    ...maybe I could sue valve/steam for the theft of my games. Seriously though, I spent over $150 on the games on that steam account, I think I should be able to play the games that I own.

    I'm starting to not like steam....

  6. Hi guys, normally I enjoy this podcast but the last couple episodes have seemed a little too "week" heavy. TechChatter had this problem and little while ago and just decided to scrap the weeks section completely and concentrate on just tech news. Similiarly, I think the NoG shows are much better when there is a concrete topic of discussion. After all, it is intended to be a podcast for the Nation of Gamers, not the Nation of Deadworkers.

  7. I agree with T-N-T, you guys went from an incredible show with focus to a very average version of CP but with no TF2ness. Please guys, you all have so much talent, refocus and hit us again with that sweet sugar you started with.

    You want a topic...

    I am a MAC user and just got onto TF2 last night. All I could here is bitching and complaining about "filthy Mac users even daring to bother to game with us".
    All I heard all night was how elitist the Mac users were. When all I saw was a couple of Mac guys showing up for some fun and running into a wall of Jackassery and Elitism from the IBM guys. Now this was not everybody but was many.

    What is up with this extreme reaction the Mac players are getting from the IBM players? Isn't just about having fun? I just want to gibblet some dudes!

    Atomic Iron Warrior

  8. Epic song is epic
