Tuesday, January 26, 2010

NOG 02: What is a gamer, anyway?

Nation of Gamers is off with a bang as we seek to answer the question, "What is a gamer?" Everyone seems to have their own definition, and in this episode we explore the answers; both yours and ours.




  1. I tried watching the live stream, but I was download L4D2 updates at the time (just bought it today) and had trouble with laggy feed >_< Still, what I managed to see was good. It's weird seeing the people behind the podcast for the first time.
    My copy of this episode is downloading :D

  2. Wow. I was a huge fan of CP, but as a big philosophy/sociology fella, this episode blew me away. Much more real, much more awesome.

    Keep up the great work.


  3. Nice episode
    Keep up the amazing work NoG

  4. Very nice ep. Keep up the awesome work :)

    plus, I was on the live chat during the recording and it was awesome :)

  5. Nice, keep it up!

    So far, this episode is definitely in THE TOP TWO. YEAH.

  6. Start an EVEcast!!!!

    i play EVE and its awesome!!


  7. Go Nog good {real} first episode

  8. Here's sth. sad:
    In germany we've had a few teenagers running amok shouting people in their schools. You may think: What has this got to do with gaming? Well, they found video-games (FPS)in their rooms. And now there are many adults and so called media experts who are convinced that the video-games caused them to become violent. Of course germany's youth doesn't believe any of it and go on gaming but peple who don't play games frown upon us...

    PS: The german unreal tournament kid is fake but apparently nobody understands what he is saying...:P

  9. Hey Guys' Great show! I had a difficult time putting "what is a gamer into type" before the show and didn't post over at the forums as a result, but as I was listening Brent started a thought and the words came to me, I know way late to the game (I'm WAY behind on my podcasts) but here goes...

    "What is a gamer?" You're a gamer (weather or not you call yourself one) if games (board/video/computer/etc...) were removed from your life completely, would feel some degree of lose of identity. If so -- you’re a gamer.

  10. If God of War had a baby with Zelda, I would adopt that baby. Great show guys, I'm glad to see that the quality of your podcasts hasn't decreased. btw, what's wrong with trophies?

  11. I'm I the only one on earth who turned off my Xbox when it got the red ring and then turned it back on and it was perfectly fine, maybe it's because my apartment is freezing and the fact I turned my fire hot Xbox off made some sort of melding effect with the hard drive, like makeing a sword as a black smith.

  12. Love the show, guys, huge CP fan, but i'm glad NoG is on!
